Thursday, January 2, 2014

Only Words (originally posted 8.3.12)

As a writer, words are my craft, my mode of expression, my connection to the masses who share these common symbols and meanings, my attempt to explain the unexplainable; and yes, even more,…it’s the only way I can share my subjective experience with others in some mutual form of empathic resonance.
As an energy therapist, I know the importance of light frequency and sound vibration. I know the power of words and their intended (as well as subtle) meanings on others, whether read or spoken.
Words are why you are here today perusing this blog. Words can touch your heart, they can inspire, and they can do far more: words can shift your energy lower or higher.
On my newly-appreciated-by-me Facebook page, the Tao and Zen folks have a great graphic of the Yin/Yang symbol that often represents the Tao. On the dark side were all the “shadow” words that instill fear and sadness in our hearts; and on the white side, were all the “love and light” words that instill joy, contentment, and that “feel good, safe and secure, hugged by a loved-one” inner peace we all strive to find in our lives.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen another graphic or image that better conveys a sense of what a low-frequency focus (darkness) and a high-frequency focus (light) really look and sound like in our culture—in everything we read, view, and hear around us, 24/7/365.
These “words” can make you feel bad about yourself and each other, or they can make you feel good about yourself and each other, because they represent what a fear-focus (darkness) means to us, and what a love-focus (light) means to us.

Whenever you speak, hear, or experience the darker side of this life, you know one of those fear-focused words all too well. So if your life is tinged or flooded with any of those darker word symbols that represent actual affects and emotions in your life, you are being adversely affected by fear in some form.
Likewise, if you speak, hear, or experience the lighter side of this life, you know the love-based words and make them your focus no matter what others say or do, because to live from those “light” word symbols, you truly have to shift your perspective higher and keep it there, no matter what the world around you implies or projects at you. High-frequency living is very much a choice and a goal for many of us, because it doesn’t necessarily come easily.
To attain that goal means we must reduce and eliminate, if possible, the “darker” words from our lives. We do this with intention and dedication to living in a high-frequency world because that’s the world we choose to live in.
If you choose “love and light” the white words represented here, are for you to shout from the hilltops and to emulate daily in all manner of human expression.
So, perhaps in one graphic image, you can conceive a personal road-map for raising your frequency and recognizing shadow-thoughts and behaviors when they arise or when they attempt to influence you; both in your own thoughts and behaviors, and in those of others around you.
Being aware of what low-frequency and high-frequency looks, sounds, and feels like, can be pivotal to recognizing your own feelings and choosing how you wish to spend your time—in the shadow or the light.

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